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Criminal record

Our certified translations are recognized by authorities and courts and meet all legal requirements. We also guarantee the confidentiality and security of all documents we translate, ensuring that they are kept safe and handled with discretion.

Our goal is to provide excellent service to our clients, and we work closely with them to ensure that all requirements are met and the translation process runs smoothly. We also offer competitive prices without compromising the quality of our work.

If you need a certified translation of your criminal record certificate, we are your reliable partner. Attach your documents as a PDF and request a free, non-binding quote today. We will guide you through the process step by step and answer any questions you may have.

Document submission methods

Here are the various ways to submit your documents:
1. Electronic dispatch (the fastest)
You may upload your documents to be translated as PDF files (or images) directly here on our homepage.
2. By mail to our office address in Duisburg
3. Personal delivery in our office in Duisburg (only after prior online appointment)

Document submission methods

Here are the various ways to submit your documents:
1. Electronic dispatch (the fastest)
You may upload your documents to be translated as PDF files (or images) directly here on our homepage.
2. By mail to our office address in Duisburg
3. Personal delivery in our office in Duisburg (only after prior online appointment)

1. Request for quotation

2. Order confirmation

3. Order fulfilment

4. Delivery of the translation

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